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I don’t think there will ever be a moment in time when I am not absolutely astonished by the beauty and detail of creation. God blows my mind every single day with this world He has intricately designed to be our home until we are returned to heaven with Him. I could quite literally go on forever and ever about all of the beautiful things He is revealing to me, however I will not make you sit through all of that, for your sanity as well as mine. The biggest thing God has been revealing to me recently has been about one of the most simple tasks we have as human beings, a task that most of the time we don’t even realize we are doing because of its simplicity and how it has been ingrained into our human nature- breathing. “The process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs”. This is a life-giving task that we always seem to take for granted until we get some sickness and can no longer breathe properly through our nose. Then we spend the duration of our illness longing for the glorious days when we could breathe normally without sounding like Darth Vader.
Now you might be wondering why, out of all of the things that happen in the world, this is the one that is changing the way I look at life. Well, to be honest, I’ve been wondering the same thing and I have yet to find an answer. The only conclusion I can come up with is the fact that my tiny human brain is not even able to comprehend the goodness of God. If all it took was realizing the significance of the breath He puts in my lungs to blow my mind, how many more incomprehensible things are there that the creator of the universe has woven into this world? I get lost just thinking of the idea, which brings me back to the simple act of taking a breath.

Something that I have been struggling with off and on throughout my whole life has been my purpose. For so long I had convinced myself that I wasn’t enough. That I wasn’t a good enough person. I wasn’t a good enough student. I wasn’t a good enough athlete. I wasn’t pretty enough. I wasn’t smart enough. I wasn’t funny enough. I didn’t have enough friends. I didn’t do enough things. I would never measure up and therefore I didn’t have a significant purpose. I fully took on these lies and started to unknowingly find my identity in them. This caused so much insecurity and anxiety in my life through both middle and high school. It was suffocating. I continued to struggle with these things even up until I went to training camp. Slowly over the month and a half in Georgia, God started revealing these lies to me. Lies that the enemy had engrained in my brain. Lies that had become so comfortable and felt so real that I took them as my own. Lies that I told myself so effortlessly and so naturally that I couldn’t even recognize them as lies anymore. That is just who I was, the one who would never be enough. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. To call myself these things was an insult to the Lord most high. The one who created the heavens, the billions of galaxies, every ocean, mountain, tree, and creature that has ever been put into existence. To tell myself these things is to insult one of God’s creations that He loves and made in the very image of himself. He hand-crafted me. None of those things I had been telling myself over the last 7 years had been from Him. That is not who He created me to be and none of it was true. I am still learning what it looks like to find my identity in Him and it has not been easy, but I am so grateful for who He has made me. I am enough, and you are enough too. We are the sons and daughters of the King, that is our identity. Not our friends, not our jobs, not what people say about us. We were all given a purpose on this earth. God didn’t have our names in His mind before the world was even created just to make us purposeless. I find that He  reminds me of this every morning. Every morning He wakes me up with breath in my lungs. God breathed life into MY lungs. The God of the universe would not have wasted time putting breath in my lungs this morning if I didn’t have a purpose to serve on this earth. It’s as simple as that. Let everything that has breath praise the living God!

Another beautiful aspect of God is one of his many names, Yahweh (YHWH). “Yah” represents the inhale and “Weh” represents the exhale. Every single breath we take proclaims the name of the Lord, even from the very beginning of our lives. A baby’s first cry out into the world, the very first breath of our existence speaks the name of God. We leave this world when we take our last breath and God’s name is no longer in our lungs. The first, the last, and every gasp in between whispers the existence of our creator. Every cheer of excitement, every deep moan from the bottom of your soul, every breath held in suspense, fear, and awe. Every single one. In sadness we breathe heavy sighs, in overwhelming joy our lungs feel like they could explode, and to find courage and strength we take a deep breath. Even when I can’t muster the strength to utter anything else, my cries call out His name. Just being alive means I speak His name every second of every day. When I can’t even put my gratitude, and sorrows into words, I know that every breath I take gives Him praise. The average human being takes about 20,000 breaths every day, which adds up to roughly 7.5 million breaths each year. Subconsciously, we proclaim the name of the Lord billions of times throughout our life, without having to say a single word. When I feel as though I’m not enough, I am reminded that I was created in the image of Him and my very existence brings Him glory and praise. Quite literally, everything that has breath praises the living God.

God’s faithfulness and love for us is unmatched by anything in this world, because what can be greater than its own creator? We are guaranteed that life is going to be hard, and we are promised that we will struggle and fall short, but even in our failures, He is with us. In every breath we take, He is there. So next time you don’t feel like you’re enough and you know you can’t do it on your own, remember to just breathe. He hears you whispering his name.

15 responses to “Just Breathe”

  1. Emily this was so wonderful. Reading it made me think and ponder about many things. You are a great person in God and I wish a lot more people were like you. Keep up your work that you are doing. Good bless Cousin Avonne

  2. Emily, I am overwhelmed by your maturity and faithfulness in your WALK WITH GOD. May he continue to richly bless you in your WALK.

  3. Emily, the Lord has also given you the gift of writing. What a beautiful post. You are so loved and so beautiful as much on the inside as the out. Continued prayers for you and your journey. Hugs 💖🙏🏻

  4. WOW, Emily Grace !! You have an excellent way of expressing yourself! And what growth you have already made! God is truly teaching you about who you are in Him – your identity, something we all struggle with. God doesn’t make mistakes and you are learning just how much you matter to Him and to others you are ministering to.. This teaching on God’s Name is awesome.. Thanks for reminding us that there is purpose, even in little things like breathing, because God is a purposeful God and He loves each of us and wants only the best for us. Keep growing, Precious Girl. God is using you in wonderful ways for His Glory. Love and Kisses, Meemaw

  5. What a gift from the Lord to see those lies for what they are, and not live one more day a slave to this deceit. This freedom is a gift, and will change everything, for you have been set free! Praise God. You are a cherished daughter of then king, of great value to Him, and you are being used around the world as an instrument of His peace. I’m sure it gives new passion and purpose to your work to rest in these truths, and to want this freedom for others who are being deceived, or don’t know the love of their creator, that is purpose. I love this beautiful deepening of your walk, and the joy and gratitude I hear for His presence. Breathe deep, sweet girl. You can rest in His love, and our prayers and love go with you always. Love Mom

  6. What a beautiful realization! Grateful that your eyes have been opened to cast out the lies and embrace the truth of how beautifully and wonderfully made you are. Thank you for sharing.

  7. What a beautiful lesson, Emily for all of us to remember! I think most of us struggle at times with who we are in Him and our purpose. Remembering that we are breathing His name with every breath is mind blowing, to say the least! Thank you so much for your post, sweet ‘Em. Lots of love, hugs and prayers.🙏❤️
    Aunt Jane and Uncle G

  8. Emily, this is simply beautiful. You have just ministered to me in the most meaningful, amazing way. Thank you!! And I love that you are paying attention to the fact that those are lies…you kick that enemy to the curb because not only are you enough, you are a surplus of beauty that God is using in amazing ways.

  9. Wow, Emily! Your words are so powerful! I, too, have been held captive by lies and deceit in the past. It’s absolutely beautiful to see another person realize that the lies were just that; lies. You are a beautiful young lady with an exceptional heart for serving God’s people. We are so proud of you for sharing the truth and the love with all those whose lives you’re touching. The truths you’re sharing will forever change peoples lives. Excellent work! You’re loved and missed here!

  10. I can’t even describe how simply and beautifully you put things in perspective. I’m sure most people have experienced something similar….trying to find their purpose and wondering if what they are doing is enough. Like most people who know you, I never doubted the amazing life you would map out, your faith and generosity and the people that you will change forever just by knowing you. I’m glad you finally realize it too. It’s all about timing, and this is your time. Watching your journey challenges me to be better. You have an impact that reaches farther than you know. ❤️

  11. Emily, the lies the Enemy tells us can be difficult to overcome BUT He made us to be “overcomes”. Yes, we are daughter’s of the King. Yes ,we are made in His image. Such a great reminder that every breath we take whispers His name …….

  12. So, so glad you had time to write, You sound fit as a fiddle, that’s our prayer and, wow, even time to meditate and share. You’re awesome Emily!

  13. Love how God is whispering to you during your time away! Always love to hear about your adventures from your mom, and appreciate your willingness to be transparent and vulnerable in your blog. ❤️

  14. THANK YOU for this glimpse into how God is working in and through you. Proud of you, as ALWAYS!

    Your Honduras Horseman…


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